Benki ni SimBanking! Our new CRDB Bank SimBanking App gives you full visibility of your accounts and total control over your money. It’s more secure, simpler and faster! Open a fully KYC account, buy insurance, block or apply for TemboCard. Plus, you can make the App personal by selecting exciting features that suit your personal taste and many more features we think you’ll love…
Simple day-to-day banking
• Open a full KYC account
• Ease payments and transfers including bulk payments
• Buy airtime and send money without the selecting the mobile company
• Easier way to withdraw cash from CRDB ATM or Wakala without a TemboCard
• Pay for your shopping and services conveniently through merchant CRDB Lipa Namba
• Get your LUKU token instantly on your App screen
Take control of your money
• Block your TemboCard
• Get insurance or Insurance premium calculator
• Review you monthly, quarterly or annual statement
Single view of your account
• Single view of all your CRDB Bank accounts
• Manage your loans
• Link your accounts
Safer, smarter banking
• Secure login with your PIN
• Ability to scan your fingerprint for account opening
Benki ni SimBanking